How You Can Motivate Yourself While Feeling Depressed?

Feeling Depressed

Starting is the toughest thing, and there is a reason behind it. Any endeavour might demand far more motivation to start than to complete after you have gained momentum and attention.

Even the most straightforward tasks, such as responding to emails or making appointments, might seem plain hard if you happen to be stressed out or having a difficult day psychologically.

Thankfully, there are simple tricks and things you can do to feel more in control of your work even when your mental state is not at its best.

Try one of these methods the next time you are struggling to finish your to-do list or other daily obligations at work or home to regain your motivation.

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1. Schedule your entire day out

It might feel overwhelming and just make your struggle worse when duties are staring you in the face with no framework. In these circumstances, time management is essential.

Exercise first thing in the morning, spend 10 minutes responding to emails, follow up with clients later that morning, go for a stroll around your building for some fresh air, etc. are a few examples.

Structure it whatever you like, but reserve certain times of the day for certain chores.

Making a schedule for your day helps you feel a lot more in control of your responsibilities. You may use an organising app or the calendar on your phone to schedule it, with notifications to remind you when to stop and start a new activity.

2. Create lists and follow them

The saying ‘Fake it till you make it’ is quite applicable when it comes to lists. Writing down what has to be done may motivate you, improve your mood, and increase your productivity.

Just getting some of the ideas that are racing through your brain when you are anxious or depressed onto paper might help them appear a lot less daunting.

Even when your mind is not in the mood to focus, making lists that promote productivity or eliminating distractions can assist. Start with the tasks you enjoy or are good at to keep motivated and make the most of your time at work.

3. Put everything into manageable pieces

Make lists and break each item down into smaller, ostensibly more manageable jobs. You can do a sequence of brief chores by doing them in small spurts. This impact will not last long, but it will give you just enough motivation to get through the day.

No matter how little you may think you are capable of, it is simpler to motivate yourself when you have little, short tasks to complete.

4. Be honest with yourself and self-reflect

Are you thirsty, hungry, or worn out? Perhaps you are under stress about a situation at home or you are becoming sick. These unpleasant circumstances might make activities seem much more difficult to complete.

An individual has to recognise what is impeding them at those times. They can only proceed after that.

While addressing a true case of burnout necessitates lengthier, more deliberate changes, addressing hunger may be done swiftly. Do not be hesitant to examine your feelings and consider what might be done to assist.

5. Review your advancement

The best course of action is to do a weekly evaluation when you are feeling overburdened by the amount of work you need to get done. You may feel accomplished for what you have accomplished and have clarity about what needs to be done by taking the time to sit down, audit the chores that are still unfinished, and acknowledge the completion of other things. This is a fantastic method to lessen the sensation of overload we frequently experience.

It is simple to forget all that you have done. Going over what you have previously accomplished that day or week may make you feel really relieved and even, dare I say it, motivated.

Knowing how capable you give you the confidence to take on challenges that before would have seemed intimidating or unachievable.

6. Go on a break

Give yourself five minutes free from the need to work, whether you want to go for a brief stroll around the block, stretch at your desk, or get a bottle of water.

When you are having mental trouble at work, taking even a little five-minute break from what you are doing will help you refocus. Schedule times throughout the day to give in to your emotions. This enables you to return to your current work rested and effective.

More breaks may be required by certain persons than others. Therefore, refrain from comparing yourself to your co-workers.


The absence of motivation is a sign of depression, although another factor may be to blame. For instance, you could lack motivation if you are struggling to deal with a problem in your life or going through something that lowers your self-esteem.

You can discover that your degree of motivation is strongly correlated with how depressed you are feeling if depression is the cause of your lack of drive. There are strategies to remedy the problem if you or a loved one is experiencing a lack of motivation as a result of depression.

At first, it could seem difficult, but perseverance will boost your drive, and you will notice that it gets easier to get up and get things done over time.


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