Breaking The Weight Loss Plateau


Reaching a weight loss plateau is one of the most upsetting aspects of losing weight. Fortunately, once you understand what causes the weight loss plateau, breaking it is a rather easy undertaking. When we first start a weight reduction goal, we often lose a lot of weight initially. However, over the following weeks or months, the quantity we lose gradually decreases until we eventually stop losing weight completely. However, this does not mean that we do not still need to lose more weight. A weight loss plateau is what happens in this situation. Even if you know you’re following the appropriate procedures, you still have trouble losing weight.

You frequently lose the most weight in the first week of your program. According to your beginning weight, extra fluid can account for up to 9 lb (4 kg) or more of the weight reduction over the first week. Up to 50% of the total weight loss in the first week can be accounted for by fluid loss. A weight loss plateau can be brought on by a number of circumstances, including but not restricted to;

  • Insufficient Calories Consumed
  • Muscle Loss
  • Weight Loss
  • Lack Of Discipline
  • Physical Adaptation
  • Exercise Ability
  • Over Exercise
  • Enhanced Fitness Levels

Let’s deal with these one at a time.

Insufficient Calories Consumed 

A MINIMUM of 1200 calories are needed by the human body each day to maintain function. Your body will slow your metabolism (it’s capacity to burn calories) in order to protect itself and be able to survive for a longer period of time if you consume less than that (for example, while on a crash diet). It won’t be able to burn fat reserves as a result. Maintain a sensible calorie intake as a solution. Calculate how many calories your body needs each day to keep itself with a BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) calculator. Once you’ve estimated how many calories your body needs to function, cut down on your calorie intake to between 500 and 700 fewer than that without falling below 1200. The next reason for a weight reduction stall is muscle loss, which may result from a deficit of more than 700 calories.

Muscle Loss 

Fat is a type of body tissue that needs the energy to keep itself. Five times as much energy is needed to sustain muscle as fat is. Your body’s percentage of muscle dictates how many calories you need to consume. Regrettably, dieting can occasionally cause muscle loss. Carbohydrates are the body’s main energy source, followed by protein and then fat. Your muscles are formed of protein, therefore if your body runs out of carbohydrates or is not maintaining your muscles through activity, it may resort to your muscles for energy. Unfortunately, a reduced metabolism results in muscle loss. Solution: To retain muscle mass and stop muscle loss, consume a diet high in protein and combine it with regular exercise. Vitamin supplements can be used as needed to ensure proper nourishment.

Weight Loss Huh? 

Isn’t the goal to lose weight? Indeed, it is! However, when you lose weight, the number of calories your body needs to stay alive decreases. As was already mentioned, even fat needs calories to stay alive. Solution: As you lose weight, regularly check your BMR to see how many calories your body needs each day and keep your calorie intake at or below 500. Do not, however, consume fewer than 1200 calories.

Lack Of Discipline 

Many people lose concentration after a few weeks of a new weight loss regimen. They start overindulging in their appetites for unhealthy foods and skimping on exercise, skipping one day while promising to work out twice as much the following day, etc. Due to a reduction in BMR and an increase in calorie intake, weight loss is essentially halted. The answer: Maintaining motivation throughout a weight loss program might be difficult. Finding a weight loss buddy is one of the finest strategies to handle this problem. Being held accountable to someone while exercising can be a powerful incentive. A worksheet for creating weight reduction goals that are printable is another excellent motivational tool.  Print it off, complete it, and post it on the refrigerator so you may see it frequently and be reminded of your goals.

Physical Adaptation 

Our bodies adjust to the number of calories we consume and the amount of exercise we get. Our bodies must undergo a number of changes when we start an exercise regimen in order to adapt to shifting demands. It takes a lot of calories for our muscles to restore themselves. But as the body stops adapting, it starts burning fewer calories for the same tasks. Solution: Prevent your body from adapting. Change the type, frequency, duration, and intensity of your workouts to add variety to your fitness routine. If you regularly lift weights, try adding some cardio. Jump rope for 15 minutes. You can also do interval training, which involves switching and alternating between various forms of exercise for predetermined lengths of time.

Exercise Ability 

When you routinely exercise, you get better at it and your body uses fewer calories to do it. When playing their sport, a trained athlete expends fewer calories than an untrained competitor. Solution: Avoid letting your body get used to a certain exercise. Change things up; if you always lift weights, go for a run, use a rowing machine instead of a treadmill, etc.

Over Exercise 

A body that exercises excessively reaches a point where the increased energy required while activity is balanced by a REDUCE in the energy used when not exercising. In other words, your body burns fewer calories throughout the remainder of the day as you raise the intensity of your workout. Solution: Give yourself some rest. Spend a few days relaxing with some low-impact exercise, such as swimming or tai chi. Pull back a little when you resume your regular exercise regimen, and only raise the intensity as necessary to keep the weight off.

Enhanced Fitness Levels 

Your body becomes more efficient and uses less calories as your level of fitness rises. A lower resting metabolic rate and fewer calories needed for everyday activity are two effects of improved fitness. Your heart rate at rest is lower and your cardio-pulmonary efficiency is higher, which contributes to this in part. The answer is: Congratulations! You’re in good physical and mental health. You have every right to be pleased with yourself. To maintain development, focus on changing up your regimen, and things will only get better from there! Another thing to keep in mind is that improving your fitness involves more than just losing weight. Without shedding pounds, it is feasible to drop inches.

This is because the muscle that has been developed through resistance training weighs MORE than fat but takes up LESS space. A person with 25% lean muscle mass who weighs 200 lbs will be smaller than a person with 20% lean muscle mass who is the same height and weight. In conclusion, there are four key points to bear in mind:

  • Keep an eye on your BMR (how many calories per day your body needs to maintain itself).
  • Keep your calorie intake between 500 and 700 less than your BMR while staying above the minimum of 1200.
  • Exercise to keep your muscles strong.
  • Vary your workout routine to stop your body from adjusting.

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