Common dental emergency issues and how to tackle those at home


You never know when a dental emergency may knock on you. In fact these unforeseen cases take place when you least expect those. Now that your dentist has closed his or her office for the holidays you have a dental emergency. In this circumstance how are you going to eat, drink and be merry? One good thing about dental emergencies is usually those are not serious issues that boil down to “life and death” matters. Rather these are more about pain, discomfort and inconvenience. And these three factors are enough to dampen your plans for festivities. 

As far as dental emergencies are concerned there are things that people can try out to get relief from pain till a dentist is available. If the situation is more serious in that case it is sensible to walk into the Emergency Room of a hospital nearby. If an unexpected dental emergency pops up during the holiday season first you should try contacting your dentist. Your dentist may have an on-call facility or an after-hours emergency helpline. So you may get the necessary advice on what you should do.  

However if there is no such help available then you should better follow this guide below. The guide deals with treating some of the commonest dental emergencies at home to provide you with necessary relief and comfort. Meanwhile you should also look out for certain symptoms for which you should head to a hospital straight away without any delay.

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Acute pain in the tooth

Toothaches are mainly caused by cavities. A cavity keeps growing in the tooth for some time and then the pain comes on suddenly. If your toothache troubles you in normal circumstances then it is best to visit a dentist right away. But if the trouble knocks on you on a holiday, going to a dentist may not be an option. If you are in that unfortunate situation then you should follow the tips below shared by an emergency dentist in London.

  • First it is important to brush and floss the teeth. This ensures the discomfort is not because of something stuck between the teeth.
  • Rinse the mouth with lukewarm salt water. This disinfects the area in the mouth that is affected by soreness.
  • In order to alleviate pain you can apply an ice pack. You may also take pain killing medicines that are available over the counter (OTC) at pharmacies. Typical OTC medicines ideal in this condition are ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

But you should not apply an aspirin directly on the sore tooth. This may prove more damaging than giving you any relief. The medicine can cause a chemical burn on the gum tissue. It can also result in wearing away of the enamel structure of the tooth. Toothaches can give a real trying time. it can disrupt your normal life in every way possible. You may not be able to eat, drink or sleep properly for days together. But toothaches are usually not a matter of life or death. If treatment to a toothache gets delayed for a few days then that does not cause any serious harm.

Swelling in the mouth

A toothache is often accompanied by a swollen area in the mouth. An emergency dentist in the UK says the home remedies discussed above to give you relief from a nasty pain in the tooth can also give you relief from swelling. Swelling may indicate many possibilities. It could be because of a cavity that has gone real deep into the tooth or it can also be because of an abscess or pulpitis. This is an infection that occurs inside the tooth. Sometimes this shows up as a swelling that is as tiny as a blister on the gum near the diseased tooth. 

If the case is of an abscess then a dentist has to drain the fluid from inside it. Even the infected tooth has to be fixed. You should not even try to get rid of an abscess tissue yourself. Always let a dentist lance it. Your unskilled and untrained pair of hands may make the condition worse and the infection that was inside a tooth may spread all over your body. To be on the safer side you can try out the home remedies discussed above to get some relief from the abscess. But you must see a dentist as soon as possible. 

If the pain from your abscess infection becomes severe or you experience problems in breathing or swallowing then you must go to the ER (Emergency Room) of a hospital nearby. There the doctors may not treat your abscess but can certainly reduce your pain to some extent or the other. Moreover doctors in an ER can also administer antibiotic medicines on you to minimise the infection until a dentist arrives to take charge.

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A chipped or cracked tooth

Festive times invariably mean an uncountable number of parties and treats. All those lip smacking delicacies may trigger a dental emergency with a chipped or cracked tooth. Using the teeth as a tool to open a package or biting down on something hard to break a tooth is not totally uncommon in holiday seasons. 

Cracking or breaking a tooth is not always very painful unless of course the damage goes deep down the tooth to reach the nerves. Initially there could be some sensitivity but the saliva plays its role forming a protective barrier though that is only temporary explains one of the best Emergency Dentists in London.  

This type of cases always requires intervention by a dentist. A chipped or cracked tooth always opens up a number of unwanted possibilities. The incident could leave a sharp spot to scratch the tongue or the lips. It may create misalignment in the individual’s bite. It may even allow harmful bacteria to form a cavity in the tooth. 

Usually when a tooth breaks close to the gums there could be a lot of bleeding. In that case you can apply gauze to arrest bleeding. Then rinse the mouth with lukewarm water. If there is swelling, consider applying an ice pack. In most cases this is sufficient before the patient visits a dentist. But if bleeding does not stop, then rush to the ER of your local hospital.

Maintain your dental emergency first-aid kit

A dental emergency may pop up out of the blues on any given day and time. Considering this you must keep your dental emergency first-aid kit handy round the year, says a dentist working at the  Emergency Dentist London Pro. A basic and effective first-aid kit includes acetaminophen or ibuprofen and a cold pack. Saltwater solution can be prepared at home any time. you may also include a few other items in your list. These include denture adhesive or dental cement, clove oil and Save a Tooth. These all are pretty inexpensive items that prove immensely helpful during a dental emergency. 


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