A Guide to Being a College Student


When I was a first-year in college, I didn’t know much about what was happening. Everything seemed like an obstacle, and every decision was overwhelming. Fortunately, by my fourth year of college, I’d figured out how to get everything done without having to take five showers per day (hey, it happens). These are the tips I wish someone had given me at the beginning of my school career.

( Also Read More – Top Tips For Students Studying In The USA )

Get a planner

If you’re going to be a college student, having a planner is important. You can get one at the bookstore or online; they come in many styles. Some people like to use a notebook or calendar instead of a planner because they want their notes to be noticed in their agenda book–but this isn’t recommended! If you don’t keep track of your assignments and tests, how will anyone know what classes are due next week?

So get an agenda book (or whatever type of organizer works best for you). It doesn’t need fancy features like tear-out pages or stickers; something simple will do!

Set your priorities

Now that you’ve identified your priorities, it’s time to set them in stone. To do this, list the important things to you and then prioritize them based on your needs and schedule.

For example:

  • My priority is getting good grades so I can get into grad school.
  • My second priority is spending time with my friends on weekends (because they’re fantastic).
  • Choosing gadgets that will help with studies.
  1. Take notes, then retake them.

Here’s a tip:

  1. Take notes on your first pass, but continue.
  2. Retake them and highlight what you missed the first time around.
  3. Take them a third time and highlight them again!

This is an important, even critical, step to help you remember what you learned, so don’t skip it!

Take your time with homework for classes if you need to take notes

This is a very important one! Take your time with homework for classes you aren’t taking notes for. The reason why it is so essential is that often. Your professors will give out the same assignment in more than one class. If you do not do the homework right away when given a chance, chances are high that other students will already have done it and submitted their work by the time your turn comes around again! This may result in an “F” grade on your transcript–and nobody wants that! ( Read More- Mandatory Steps To Crack The Government Exams )

If something about an assignment or quiz question doesn’t make sense or something else is happening at home/work/etc., don’t hesitate to ask questions! Most colleges must pay your professor more (or at all) to answer student emails 24 hours daily, so try to avoid getting upset if someone responds later.

However, if they respond within 24 hours, then make sure to save time getting back with them because many students end up falling behind on projects due solely because they were waiting too long before asking questions about things that could’ve been quickly resolved beforehand.

Have a study buddy or group

If you’re lucky, your university will have a student union or department that organizes group study activities. If you have yet to find like-minded classmates, there are still alternative ways to do so. To help students connect, social media platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp have groups dedicated to this purpose. These groups are widely available on the internet.

If something else works nicely for you and your friends aren’t interested in joining forces with others (or if they’re just not around), don’t worry! You can post on Reddit’s /r/StudyRoom subreddit; it may take a bit before someone responds, but eventually, someone will answer your call! Or maybe start talking about how much studying sucks over lunch one day until someone offers their services as an unofficial tutor? It could happen! Many other options are still available for a study buddy or group.

Take benefit of all the resources around you!

  • Get to know your professors. Professors are excellent resources and are often happy to help you with anything.
  • Use the library! The library is the most helpful resource on campus, so take advantage of it as much as possible!
  • Look for online help! There are a considerable number of sites out there that can give you information on what classes would be suitable for your major and what books would be helpful in them; this way, when it comes time to buy textbooks or do research papers (or both), there won’t be any surprises left over from missing out on some helpful websites earlier in the semester. Also, remember: remember about Google Scholar too–it’s another excellent resource when trying to find articles explicitly related to specific topics within certain fields (especially if those fields are different from where most people tend to use Wikipedia articles).

Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

During your college years, many people will be willing to help you learn. Your professors can guide you and answer your questions, but it’s important to remember that they are human and may need breaks from time to time. If your professor is unavailable when you require assistance, do not hesitate to seek help from a fellow student or TA.

Your peers may be some of the best resources available on campus–they’ve been through similar experiences as undergraduates themselves (and maybe even graduate students). They’ll understand what’s happening in your classes better than anyone else because they’ve been there too! So don’t be afraid: reach out when necessary!

And finally, your family members! Remember them, too; parents/siblings/grandparents often have advice from their college days that can be useful now that they’re watching over yours from afar (or close by).

Find out what’s important to you in college and ensure it is important

To begin with, it’s essential to identify what matters to you. Ask yourself questions such as, “Would I prefer a large or small school?” to help determine your priorities. and “Will this school have the resources I need for my major?” The answers will help determine which colleges are right for you.

If there’s something about your college search that needs to be fixed for you–if everything seems too expensive or all the schools seem far away from home–don’t be afraid to change course! It’s okay if things go differently than planned; make sure that whatever path leads back home, at last, is brief and brief.

Having a plan can help make this time easier to manage

As a college student, it’s tempting to go with the flow and explore your new freedoms. However, this can cause severe problems if you aren’t careful in the long run.

Be organized: Having a plan and sticking to it is key to managing your time effectively as a student. Could you write it down? On paper or stored digitally somewhere (like an email inbox), there’s no way for anyone else but yourself – including yourself -to keep track of what needs to be done next! It may seem like additional work at first, but once everything is set up correctly and smoothly, you’ll wonder why nobody thought about doing this sooner! Also, consider creating folders for each class so that whenever an assignment comes due, or something needs to be done immediately, look through those folders until something catches your eye.”


As a college student, it’s important to remember many things. While some of these tips seem too basic, they are pretty effective. Don’t be overwhelmed by the amount of advice out there. Planning your studies and finances allows you to enjoy college life even more. Here is an online store that stocks nice products. This article outlines some helpful tips that you may find useful.


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