A guide to Orthopedic Dog Boots

Neopaws - The place for Orthopedic Dog Shoes

Orthopedic dog shoes are important for elderly, injured and disabled dogs who face issues walking, or have paws injured or seen dragging their feet. Dogs can have many issues related to their feet that can be troublesome for them but can be fixed by orthopedic shoes in long term. The shoes are quite comfortable for them and also provides them better traction on wet or slippery floors such as ceramics, hardwood, tiles etc. Wearing a pair of orthopedic shoes can help your dog in providing them comfort and relief they are seeking for a long time. If your pet is aging the non-slip boots or orthopedic shops are essential for them.

Why does your dog require Non-slip or Orthopedic shoes?

Dogs hailing from higher breeds like German Shepherds, Labs and Golden Retrievers throughout their age are prone to diseases like degenerative myelopathy and dysplasia. These diseases can result in osteoarthritis making it difficult to walk and causing other movement issues. One of the important things to know about these diseases is they will cause discomfort for sure in dog walking and you can also find them walking with unusual gait. These unusual gaits can result in their feet scraping, rubbing or even dragging their paws on ground, resulting in severe issues.

A perfect set of orthopedic boots can help your dog with everything. The veterinarians also recommend orthopedic shoes for protecting your dog’s feet from any kind of injuries. As they can easily get hurt while dragging their paws and toes, to protect their tender feet from further injury do use orthopedic shoes from quality manufacturers. These shoes can be padded and also offer extra support for the dogs tender painful paws and allow them with the extra time to heal. Many orthopedic shoes styles allow wrapping up around the legs, not just the paws. It is ideal even if your dog has a broken leg to add stability while walking on the same.

Another reason for your dog to have comfortable shoes is to protect their arthritic paws from harsh weather like winters. Even if your dog is not suffering from any disease would like to feel warmth in his paws while moving in snow. Your dog will like the shoes if he is moving a lot on slippery or harsh floors.

Where to buy the orthopedic shoes for your dogs?

You can look for offline as well as online markets to buy out the perfect pair of shoes for your dog. You can have a look at various variants available. And even can ask your vet to suggest the best brand recommended as per your dog’s feet. Shops selling dog’s stuff will help you in finding a suitable pair for your dog. Post making your first purchase you can order online too as you know the brand and size for your dog now.

Undoubtedly pets are an important part of our lives. Treating them as our family members is very important for them to be a part of the daily. Do keep a close check on their conditions and bring them for routine checks to clinics to know about their issues in starting itself.