Speed ​​up your torrent download speed in 7 steps

torrent download speed

A few months ago we told you more about the main problems in 4G and WiFi networks. The slowdown in Internet connections is something very common that affects many of the tasks that can be carried out on the Internet, including downloading torrents with which it is possible to access content of all kinds.

Today we are going to give you a guide with 7 simple and brief steps with which you can improve the download speed by up to 300% in cases in which your installed power is low or in situations in which, due to the fact that the bandwidth It is distributed among other devices and tasks, it is necessary to concentrate it in a single point at a specific moment.

7 simple and brief steps with which you can improve the download speed

1. Download a torrent provider

Before you start, you need to get one of these tools. Currently we can find a multitude of platforms. However, the most recommended are BitTorrent, uTorrent and qBittorrent. In the case of the former, additional content may appear, mainly advertisements, which slightly hinder its use. All three options are compatible with both Windows, Mac and Linux.

2. Choose a full torrent

Here two concepts come into play, or rather, two categories into which files can be divided once they are uploaded to the Internet: Seeders and leechers. The first ones are the most complete and advisable to download, since from the outset, they contain the entire file with the torrent and that other users have uploaded to share it. The second is an incomplete file that, when uploaded, had some parts, but when it reaches the Internet, it tries to find the rest of the missing components.

3. Add exceptions to the operating system

On many computers, torrents platform cannot be downloaded because the operating system does not recognize it as beneficial. Here we must add exceptions. In the case of Windows it is very simple: In the browser we access “options” and from there to “preferences”. In this last menu we will find the “connections” section to which we will have to enter and check “Add Windows exception” and later, “apply”.

4. Check the system settings

This step can be one of the most important to speed up torrents. In the general settings of the torrent program that has been chosen in phase 1, you have to check that the three options at the bottom are activated. To access that menu, you have to enter “General” and from there, to “Preferences” and “General”.

5. Set download speeds

Some of the programs that we mentioned before give you the opportunity to prioritize some torrents over others. To this, another feature is added that can also be positive: The assignment of a specific speed to them. Its modification is easy. Once again, we will have to access the application’s preferences menu and from there, to the “Bandwidth” tab, where we can establish maximum upload and download peaks. In the case of the former, it is advisable to leave it at around 80% of the highest speed we have and in the latter, leave it at 0.

6. Avoid overloads to speed up torrents

We continue in the “Bandwidth” tab, since here, we can also control the maximum and minimum connections to avoid slowdowns when continuing to download torrents. It is advisable to set a limit of 150.


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