Tips for Droppers to Prepare for the NEET Exam!


Imagine how difficult it would be to take the same exam more than once. Just showing up for an entrance exam once is difficult for anyone. Repeatedly taking the same exam could severely impact a candidate’s psyche if they are worried and self-conscious. 

In addition to pressure from family and society and offline or online NEET coaching classes, one may impose stress on oneself. Because of this, NEET droppers frequently struggle with knowing where to begin studying for exams they earlier believed they had adequately prepared. Before students start studying for the test once more, they repeatedly fail to ask specific important questions.

In this article, we have attempted to reduce the workload and pressure for individuals preparing for the NEET test in their dropper year. The droppers are given the following advice to help them prepare for the upcoming NEET exam.

The content we have created is in accordance with the NEET repeaters who got success in their second attempt practicing all the points mentioned below.

Tips for Droppers to Prepare for the NEET Exam!

1. Get to Know Yourself First:

A dropper must first and foremost examine their past performance to improve. They ought to be aware of where and what went wrong. It would help if you first acknowledged the cause of your prior failure before accepting your shortcomings for failing the exam. This is a crucial step for you to restart your life, both physically and mentally. 

Just joining or changing coaching institutes, whether offline or online, NEET coaching won’t be of any help unless and until you analyze yourself.

Please list all your prior errors and work to repair them to avoid making the same ones again. Be sincere with yourself, remain conscious of your weaknesses, don’t be afraid of them, and do your best to get through them. You won’t be able to perform any better on the subsequent try unless and until you accomplish it.

Give your areas of weakness enough thought, and get to work if you have any lingering doubts. Your list of errors may be lengthy or brief, but this shouldn’t stop you from devoting the smallest amount of time necessary to each point while making ongoing updates.

2. Get a New Perspective With Others’ Assistance:

You are already accustomed to the syllabus and examination format because you have taken the exam once. Many of the NEET exam papers from prior years may have been solved by you. So your current focus should be locating a mentor or tutor to enhance your exam preparation. 

Never hesitate to ask for help because it could help to highlight personal flaws that you weren’t initially aware of. Getting some assistance will change your perspective, which will enable you to restart your NEET preparation.

If you take a second attempt, it would be better if you opt for NEET online classes. Online NEET coaching will also give you personal assistance from mentors, which will boost your confidence and performance.

3. Make a Complete New Timetable:

Most of you must have signed up for one or more coaching programs, either offline or online NEET coaching, to boost your exam preparation. Spending at least 5–6 hours a day in the coaching institute to attend sessions is required if you want to learn there. These programs, however, are typically lengthier than regular classes for dropouts.

It should go without saying that after all this studying, one will be worn out by the time the classes are over. Don’t neglect your self-study time because of this. Time management is crucial for both coaching sessions and independent study.

The benefit of self-study is that it will enable you to review any material you have studied that day or in the past, enabling you to ascertain whether you have understood what you have learned or still have questions that need to be answered. Completing 6 to 8 hours of continuous or intermittent self-study is essential. 

Keeping your attention on your actions; comparing yourself to others will only worsen matters. Keep in touch with your loved ones, and do not cut yourself off from them because they will be your major support. Stay upbeat and never waver from the path that you have created, no matter how tough it gets.

4. Fill up Your Gaps with Several Practice Exams:

Fill up the gaps in your NEET preparation as best you can. If a chapter has been skipped before, finish them all in the NEET syllabus. Get rid of your prior uncertainties and concentrate on the themes or subjects you need to develop. Start working on your revision now. Practice both older and more recent papers; balance is a critical factor. Spend equal time on each topic once you’ve cleared up your uncertainties.

The last piece of advice for droppers is to do mock examinations as frequently and constantly as you can throughout the final phase of your preparation. For this, you can refer to online NEET coaching portals. It would be beneficial if you tried to finish two practice exams every week, ideally more. By doing this, you will have the necessary exposure to questions of various difficulty levels while also becoming familiar with the entire exam. With this, you will be able to improve your NEET preparation.


There are several success and failure tales of NEET droppers everywhere. Since failure and success are the two sides of the same coin, you should try reading both to avoid making the same mistakes that others did. To see how it differs and to give you the confidence to succeed on your subsequent attempt, you can try reading the accounts of those who have failed the NEET and other exams. Finally, one should not degrade themselves for what occurred but instead focus on succeeding in the subsequent phase.


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