Is Wearable Computing Technology the Future?

Wearable Computing Technology

Wearable computing is one of the most interesting trends in future technology. It is widely regarded as an advancement of the smartphone. The future of wearable computers seems bright. It is more effective and useful than Glass. Today, however, wearable computing must be defined as “a really exciting field very much in its infancy,” with an absolutely enormous future. The primary goal of wearable computing is to provide new interfaces that alter non-computing activities. Wearable computing originated from three factors: reducing the size of computer devices while boosting computational capacity, assisting with improved mobility, and enhancing personalization.

Facts about Wearable Computing 

Wearable computing is touted as the next great thing in consumer technology. Hands-free mobile real-time data monitoring, logic calculation, and network communication are all possible with wearable or body-borne computers. Until recently, wearable computing products, or “wearables,” as they are becoming known, were a niche market of odd devices that were impractical, bulky, and unappealing for consumer applications. Traditional markets for wearable devices have generally been centered on non-consumer niche applications like those in healthcare, defense/security, enterprise and industrial markets. Recent advances in materials science, photonics, electronics, and software, on the other hand, are enabling the emergence of a potentially huge range of new lightweight, wearable computing products. Wearables are likely to go mainstream. 

Key Features of Wearable Computers 

Wearable computer characteristics include,

For one thing, the technology is based on continuous communication between the user and the device. It is possible with the increasing availability of sensor devices. Individual data is typically tracked throughout the day, or even for 24 hours.

Second, wearable computers are ideal for managers and those who are used to multitasking. They are not required to halt the operations of the wearable mobile computer. Wearables also allow you to change, filter, & block information that is irrelevant or out of date.

Finally, a wearable computer is a more personal technology than a laptop or smartphone since it is worn on the body, is personalized for the specific user, and collects intimate, often secret information.

How Wearable Computing Technology can Prove Valuable for the Mobile Application Arena?

Wearable computing has been welcomed by the mobile application sector. For instance, Google Project Glass, is a new wearable computing paradigm in which information is displayed on the glasses and the glasses communicate with the Internet via voice commands. These prototype glasses would communicate with Android-enabled mobile devices through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Nike’s iOS application was likewise built on a similar basis. It counts steps, provides workout information when you are finished, and calculates fitness objectives accordingly. The success of the Nike app has signaled to the whole mobile application business that people are eager to accept new technologies that make their daily jobs easier and more enjoyable.

Wearable computing is making its way into everyday life. Wearable computers will revolutionize the market due to its ease of multitasking and better security and controllability. The scope of mobile applications is expanding, and collaboration with wearable computing devices will be beneficial to businesses because it will be directly proportionate to customer pleasure.

Top 3 Examples of Wearable Computing Technology 

  • Smartwatches – For daily use, contemporary smartwatches have a local touchscreen interface. They often include WiFi/Bluetooth connectivity to connect to a smartphone and work with a smartphone app to do specific duties.
  • Fitness tracking bands – these gadgets are placed around the wrist and contain a screen that displays crucial fitness and health statistics such as heart rate, calories burnt, and total steps taken in a day.
  • Smart glasses – smart glasses, such as the one created by Google and known as “Google Glass,” have the potential to provide users with an augmented reality experience.

The Future of Wearable Computing Technology 

Wearable computing is a thriving industry. The future of wearable computers appears to be bright. It will be the progression of smart phones. From the big screen to real life, it will radically change the quality of our lives. It will become more ubiquitous in mainstream gadgets during the coming decade. In the future, every new expedited maintenance system will incorporate wearable computing. It will make it possible for individuals to work, connect, and compute more efficiently.

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