Epson Printer Won’t Connect to WiFi Connection Issue Fixed

Epson Printer Wont Connect to WiFi Connection Issue

Have you been facing issues in taking out the printouts from the Epson printer? This might be an issue where Epson Printer Won’t Connect to WiFi. Well, you need not worry as there are some steps through which you will be able to resolve the Epson Printer Not Connecting to WiFi issue. 

It is obvious that there is something wrong with the printer or the settings of the router network. These issues have been described below:

  • When the Wi-Fi password is not working.
  • When the printer is trying to connect to the Wi-Fi Network using the old Wi-Fi profile.
  •  When the network signals are very weak. 
  • When the printer is in need of a firmware upgrade.
  • When the firewall is blocking the printer in order to join the network. 

There are some causes that can result in the Epson Printer Won’t Connect to WiFi. Let us go ahead and apply these steps that will help you in joining the printer and the network to the Wi-Fi. 

Things that you need to check while you are going to make the connection:

  • Make sure that you keep the Epson printer close to the Wi-Fi router or the extender and then try to connect it with the Wireless network. 
  • Also, be confident that you have entered the right password.
  • Also, make sure that the router is broadcasting the signals of Wi-Fi. 
  • Also, go to the WLAN settings on the Epson printer and then check the signal quality of the Wi-Fi. 

Well, if you see that the settings are correct but are still having the wireless network problems, then you must know how to fix the Epson Printer Offline through the guide mentioned below:

How to troubleshoot the Epson Printer Won’t Connect to WIFI:

Factory reset the WLAN settings on your printer:

When you see that the Epson printer is not able to connect with the Wi-Fi network after updating the password, the printer might be trying to reconnect itself to the Wi-Fi using the old Password. 

Well, if there is a case where you have to reset the network settings on the printer, then you can take the following actions. 

  • First, let’s power on the Epon machine, and then wait until you get the home screen on it. 
  • Then you need to press the setup button that is available just below the fax button. It might be at a different place in the printer. 
  • After that, press the restore default settings option and then press on it. 
  • Now you need to press the reset network settings. 
  • Then click yes on the window that will be shown to you. 

When you see that the network reset process is going to get complete, then you must return to the home screen by pushing the home button. Well, then you must try to reconnect the Epson printer with the Wi-Fi.

Use the WPS Pin:

If you see that the Epson printer is not connecting with the wireless network after performing the network reset, then use the WPS method in order to connect it with the Wi-Fi settings. 

Well, if you want to use this feature, the router and the printer must have the WPS feature. If you see that one of them does not have WPS, then you must go to the next one. 

Try the Push button method:

Well, you need to push the WPS button on the Wi-Fi access point. They may be at the back and or at the bottom side of the printer. Now you need to press the right arrow button that is available on the home screen. Then select the Wi-Fi setup option and then press the Ok button. 

After that select the WPS button and then hit the ok button again. Now you need to wait for 120 seconds and when the Epson machine will connect itself with the Wi-fi, then you are going to get a green light on the Wi-Fi Antenna. 

Use the PIn method:

If the Epson printer is not connected with the WPS push button mode, then you must use the PIN method in order to connect to the network. 

    • Let us now push the WPS button on the router again. 
    • Then you need to go to the Wi-Fi setup on the Epson printer. 
    • After that, you need to click on the Pin code setup option. 
    • Then, you need to Push OK. 
    • Then enter the WPS Pin code and then you are going to find it at the bottom of the router.
    • Then, finally, you need to press OK in order, to begin with, the Wi-Fi setup. 

Update your Wi-Fi Profile:

When you see that Epson Printer Won’t Connect to WiFi, then it is suggested to change the Wi-Fi name, encryption type, and the security code. If you want to change the wireless profile, you need to log in to the router dashboard and then click on the wireless settings. 

To learn more about How to Fix Epson Printer is Not Connecting with Mac or iOS, click here: Epson Printer is Not Connecting with Mac or iOS

Upgrade the software of the Epson printer:

There are at times when the Epson printer is not going to connect to the wireless network due to some software issue. Well, this is mostly going to happen with the Od Wi-Fi printer when you are not upgrading the Wi-Fi very often. 

Well, if you think that you are presently dealing with the Epson printer Wi-Fi setup issues, then you need to update it and make another attempt to join the Wi-Fi. 

Reset the Wireless router:

Well, just after changing the settings, if you see that the Epson Printer Won’t Connect to WiFi, then you must reset the Wi-Fi access point and then reconfigure it. Also, make sure that you do not apply the Old Wi-Fi profile on the Wi-Fi. 

These are some of the troubleshooting steps through which you will be able to resolve the Epson Printer Not Connecting to WiFi. 

If you see that you are not able to resolve the issues, then you must get in touch with our experts. They will provide you with the best possible solutions!


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