5 Things you Should Know Before Starting a YouTube Channel

Starting a YouTube Channel

Becoming a YouTuber and starting a channel is becoming more common by the day. With that said, not everyone thinks it through before creating one. 

Why does it matter? 

Starting a channel without figuring certain things out, aka “winging it”, results in declining interest over time, higher chance of a burn-out, among many other risks. Moreover, according a report by Pex, 88% of the videos on YouTube don’t even hit 1000 views and less than 1% cross the 100,000 views mark. 

If your videos are getting more than 100k views, know that you’re in the top 1% on the platform!

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1. Motivation to start

The hardest part about starting a YouTube channel is starting a YouTube channel. Read that again. 

Getting the motivation to start can be quite hard. Ask yourself why you want to start a YouTube channel. If your answer is just the financial benefits, it might make sense to wait a bit until you have a stronger motivation. 

Another huge demotivating factor is the low subscriber and view count during the initial stages of your YouTube journey. This is where trusted services like SocioBlend play a huge role. They help you grow your Subscriber and Views count quickly and organically. Add to this, that they are geo-targeted and you have yourself a winning formula to get the ball rolling.

2. Niche and Target Audience

Do not try to be everything for everyone. This doesn’t work. Figure out how what niche you want to produce content in and also figure out who your target audience is. 

Here are some ways you can find your niche :

  • Dive deeper and find a niche within a broader niche. Figure the broader niche and find sub-genres where you feel there is less content. 
  • Do an exhaustive competitor research in the niches you find interesting
  • Keep in mind the long-term feasibility of content for the different niches. The last thing you need is running out of content after about 5-10 videos. 
  • Find niches that generally get views. If there aren’t videos for a particular niche, ask yourself why there isn’t. Sometimes, it isn’t there, because there aren’t enough people to make it worth watching. 
  • Feel passionate about whatever niche you do end up choosing.

Creating content without a niche hurts your visibility, since the algorithm wont find a reason to put your videos above niche players. 

3. Optimize your content and video

Don’t worry if you aren’t sure how to optimize your videos in the beginning. This is something that improves over time, but here are few things you should keep in mind as you start putting content out there. 

  • Focus on thumbnails and titles
  • Optimize video by adding subtitles for other popular languages.
  • Give good descriptions keeping in mind SEO.
  • Add chapters if required.  

Looking to take your content quality to the next level? Here are 7 tips to improve quality of your YouTube videos. 

4. Develop a strong mindset 

You need to have thick skin if you’re entering the YouTube game. The comment section can be ruthless, especially as you start out. While the removal of the dislike count for viewers might help, you need to be able to handle the negative backlash your content might receive in the beginning. 

Rather than letting it to get to you, learn to read it, find out the constructive criticism and improve your content. The most successful YouTubers are the ones who are able to look past the toxicity and focus on improving their content. 

5. Equipment required

This might be the least important point, but it makes sense to keep this in mind before starting out. While you don’t need fancy cameras and audio devices, there are tons of budget equipment you can purchase, that will make a huge difference in the quality of the content you produce. 

Don’t believe us? Here are some budget things you could get: 

  • A tripod to ensure your videos don’t shake.
  • Budget diffusers to help with getting the perfect lighting.
  • A budget microphone that blocks all the outside noise.

While YouTube doesn’t necessarily ask you to follow these rules to get your channel up and running, it helps to have this figured out before you start. 

Being disciplined and organized can do wonders in helping your channel grow quickly. Play the long game and you should see your videos compounding over time to a point this could even be your full-time job. 

Say bye to your 9-5 and achieve financial independence!!


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