Top 10 Dieticians In India You Should Follow

Top 10 dieticians in India

The population has a startling amount of misconceptions and a lack of awareness regarding health, wellness, and fitness. In India, the word fitness is frequently associated with regular exercise, which, in truth, only accounts for about 20% of overall fitness. Exercise is vital for staying fit, but nutrition is just as important, if not more so. As a result, the adage “you are what you eat” holds true.

The epidemic has resulted in increased stress levels, which has had a negative impact on our physical and mental health. To get our health and bodies back on track, some of us resort to severe fad or crash diets, which often backfire. To reach one’s objectives, one must comprehend the science and facts of food and nutrition.

Top 10 Dieticians in India who can bring you to the summit of good health and fitness.

1) Dt.  Priya Mittal

Dt. Priya Mittal, a former dietician at Dharmshila Narayana Super-specialty Hospital, has worked in the field of weight management and lifestyle issues for many years. She has always believed in natural methods of gaining health rather than artificial ones such as machinery, pills, supplements, and so on. Consult her for easy-to-follow, traditional, and long-lasting DIET PLANS for weight loss, PCOS/S, Thyroid, Diabetes, Hypertension, and other lifestyle problems. 

Zenith Diet Mentor was founded in 2018 with the objective of “Eat Right, Future Bright.” The organization is led by renowned Dt. Priya Mittal, who was named Best Dietitian & Nutritionist in the World for the year 2019-2020. She pioneers the use of the psychosomatic edge in assisting people on their journey to optimal health in their own environment with Zenith Diet Mentor. The facility attracts people from varied backgrounds, lifestyles, eating habits, and family environments. She talks to them about their health and personal problems. She handles each client as an individual and guides them through the necessary lifestyle changes.

2)Dt. Priyanka Jaiswal

Diet2nourish’s co-founder and principal dietician, Priyanka Jaiswal, is based in Delhi. She has a Master’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics and has worked in the field for over a decade. Weight loss and therapeutic diets for major critical care are her areas of competence. She offers sensible, easy-to-follow weight-loss diet plans that take into account your lifestyle, habits, and tastes. She provides simple and healthful therapeutic diets for persons suffering from chronic ailments or medical issues.

3) Anjali Mukerjee

In 1997, Anjali Mukherjee founded her own company, Health Total. She is the Miss India candidates’ “official dietician.” She graduated from Mumbai’s Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology, and Applied Nutrition in 1984 and began her clinical practice in 1985. She also possesses a clinical nutrition degree from the American Academy of Nutrition. She was first uninterested in nutrition, but after experiencing excellent outcomes, she became interested, and she is now a dedicated practitioner in Mumbai.

4) Dt. Anju Venkat

Dt. Anju Venkat is the current Director of the Health Awareness Center in Mumbai and is a naturopathy master. She starts her day with occasional and territorial foods produced from the ground in natural goods or organic product juices, and she eats until she feels full until early afternoon.

5) Dt. A. Laxmaiah

Dt. A. Laxmaiah is the Director of the National Institute of Nutrition at the moment. He is a specialist in good nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle. As a health expert, he also recommends solutions and ways to live a healthy lifestyle through lifestyle publications.

6) Ishi Khosla

Ishi Khosla is the CEO of Whole Foods Market, a one-stop-shop for all of your dietary requirements. She is a Delhi native who developed obesity at a very young age. She began putting up a serious effort toward weight loss procedures on herself at that point, and she thinned out. Her interest in nutrition was sparked by her own development. She declined to take the MBBS exam and instead earned a Food and Nutrition degree from Lady Irwin College. She had a successful career as a nutritionist at Escorts Heart Institute in Delhi’s preventive cardiology unit, which she left to open Whole Foods.

7) Madhuri Ruia

Madhuri Ruia is a renowned Indian dietician and Pilates master. She believes that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and she eats it within an hour of getting up. Her breakfast consists of whole oats sprinkled with cinnamon powder, a bowl of papaya, six almonds, and a protein drink, which she eats at 6:30 a.m. Cinnamon enhances insulin sensitivity, and almonds are excellent mood boosters!

8) Raksha Changappa

Raksha Changappa is a Bangalore-based Indian dietician and nutritionist. She is a well-known nutritionist, nutrition panelist, and dietician who has received numerous honors and accolades across the country. Her specialization is in treating unusual conditions including phenylketonuria, systemic lupus, and avascular corruption, as well as more common ones like obesity and diabetes.

9) Rujuta Diwekar

Rujuta Diwekar, a Mumbai native, is the dietitian who helped Kareena Kapoor achieve her size-zero figure. Diwekar was raised in a health-conscious family and was taught the importance of nutrition from an early age. She was an athlete in school and set out to live a healthy lifestyle. Diwekar graduated from Mumbai’s SNDT University with a postgraduate degree in sport science and nutrition. She also went to Rishikesh to study yoga and Vedanta.

10) Shubi Hussain

Shubi Hasan is a well-known dietitian and entrepreneur. Indiadiets Health Perfect is the brand name for her products and diet plans. She graduated from Lady Irwin College (Delhi University) with a postgraduate degree in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition and has worked in this sector since 1993. She graduated from Symbiosis Institute in Pune with an MBA in advertising. “Circle Health Sanctuary Pvt Ltd” has her as the managing director.


If you’re looking for ways to take care of your body, our blog of the Top 10 Dieticians in India will assist. The Top Dietitians & Nutritionists in India listed above are the best. They make a lot of people healthy with their entire nutritional existence. It’s due to their extensive expertise and comprehension. Because not everyone with a dietitian degree becomes a good dietitian, hard effort, experience, and practice are essential. So, for your health’s sake, take the best option. “GO GREEN, EAT GREEN.”


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