Your Firsthand Guide to Both Composite and Porcelain Veneers for the Tooth


Are you interested in civilizing the shape of your tooth? In that case there exist a couple of options to make your dream a reality. Composite veneers and porcelain veneers are the two tried and tested procedures for you. Let us explore more about both these cosmetic dentistry procedures in the following sections of this blog post. Thus you can easily choose the better option among the two to give your teeth a brand new appearance. 

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Composite veneers – a brief discussion

Composite veneer is a type of covering for the tooth. It is made from composite resin and the procedure is minimally invasive. Composite sits on top of your existing structure of the tooth. It thus gives the tooth a desirable look. Composite veneers fix small chips and cracks in the tooth in a convincing way and dentists all over the world rely on it more than anything else. As such dentists in the UK are no exception. There is just no need covering the entire tooth with resin. 

Minimal preparation is required for the teeth to get composite application. Once the preparation is made your dentist then applies an adhesive glue to enable the resin stick to the tooth. After the resin is applied it is sculpted into desired shape. Then it is polished for a high shine finishing. Thus your composite tooth looks identical to the rest of the teeth in your mouth assures a dentist in London having years of experience in dental composite veneers treatment.

Basic introduction to porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneer is basically a cover for the entire front surface of the tooth. The cover itself is in the shape of the tooth. As it is obvious from the name itself porcelain veneer is made from ultra thin shells of porcelain although these days it is also being made from a composite material.

As little preparatory work your dentist scrapes down the outermost enamel covering of the tooth. Thus it is possible to fit the porcelain veneer over the front surface of the tooth. In the next step the dentist takes impressions of your teeth. The impressions are sent to a dental lab to custom design your veneers. Meanwhile they give you temporary veneers. Once your custom designed veneers are ready from the lab those are applied to your teeth using an adhesive glue. This step of the procedure is much similar to that of applying composites to the teeth.

Average life of veneers for your teeth

Composite veneers easily last anywhere between 5 and 7 years. However this depends a lot on your lifestyle and habits. It also depends on how much composite was applied to the teeth. On the other porcelain veneers last much longer. It easily lasts ten to fifteen years and even longer provided you take proper care of it.

About care and maintenance

Care and maintenance of both composite bonding and porcelain veneers are the same. Most importantly you have to practice proper oral hygiene. Brush the teeth properly twice a day. Use toothpaste that is suggested by your dentist. Floss the teeth once daily. It is even important rinsing the mouth thoroughly with a mouthwash that is endorsed by your dentist. Go for regular dental checkups every six months or so as instructed by your dentist. Get the teeth professionally cleaned by your dentist or dental hygienist at routine intervals. All these efforts prove helpful maintaining sound oral hygiene says a dentist having years of experience in treating patients with composite veneers in London.

After undergoing veneer treatment you should always avoid chewing anything hard, for example ice cubes, candies, certain nuts, celery, boiled sweets and such other things. Chewing on hard substances or food items can easily damage your veneer. Veneers easily get cracked because of this carelessness. It is also important to stop using your teeth as a tool – like opening beer bottles instead of using a bottle-opener. Stop chewing on pen caps and pencil tips to prevent damage to your veneer.   

Veneer easily gets stained. Limit consumption of foods and drinks that have high chances of staining your veneer. Smoking is also a major factor for teeth stain. Avoid smoking when you are on veneer. When you stop smoking your veneer will last much longer. Bruxism or teeth grinding is a major issue that damages veneers. Bruxism occurs during sleep. So it is pretty hard to know whether you suffer from it. However a dentist can easily identify the symptoms of bruxism in your mouth. The problem of bruxism of teeth grinding not only damages veneers but also damages the protective natural enamel coating of the teeth. Thankfully the NHS provides a comprehensive guide on how to stop bruxism or teeth grinding.

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Cost of veneer treatment

According to dentists the cost of composite veneers in the UK is not uniform. Rather the cost varies from case to case depending on various factors. Even the cost of porcelain veneers too varies widely. Before undergoing veneer treatment it is recommended that you undergo a teeth whitening treatment. That is an additional cost. Composite veneers are pretty reasonable in price. It costs anywhere between £150 and £200 per tooth. Porcelain veneers are costlier treatment. The cost of porcelain veneers prices between £500 and £1,000 per tooth. In-chair teeth whitening will cost you around £350 in addition to the cost of Composite Bonding treatment.

Composite veneers are reversible

The treatment of composite veneers is minimally invasive. Moreover it is completely reversible procedure. In other words composite veneers can be removed from your teeth any time in the future bringing the teeth to their original shape and appearance. This makes composite veneers an ideal solution for those who want to improve the appearance of their teeth without making any permanent change to the shape and size of the teeth.    

On the other hand porcelain veneers are irreversible. In other words once fitted you cannot remove porcelain veneers from the teeth even if you want to. This is because in the preparatory stage of this procedure a portion of your teeth enamel is filed down. This change of the tooth structure is irreversible. The lost enamel cannot be compensated in any way. However the only time when you can remove porcelain veneers from the teeth is when you get a fresh patch of veneers. 

Smile Clinic London is one of the most assured places in London to undergo composite bonding Cost London treatment. Skilled and experienced staffs, warm friendly atmosphere, reasonable fee structure and an excellent track record are the few things that isolate it from the average dental practices. Feel free to book your appointment now!


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