Maharashtra Records 3041 Patients in a Single Day


The total number of Corona infected in the country has been increasing day by day with presently at 1,37,606. On Sunday, Maharashtra had the highest number of 3041 patients in 24 hours.

Former Chief Minister Ashok Chavan’s report has also turned positive in the state. The number of infected in the state has now crossed 50 thousand. Apart from this, today more than 6 thousand people reported positive for the fourth consecutive day across the country, and more than 3 thousand patients also recovered. The rate of recovery of infectives across the country has increased to 41.28%.

  • Cases doubled in 15 days in Central Armed Forces, 60% of 1180 infected soldiers recovered
  • Testing of 29 lakh 421 samples across the country, more than one lakh tests are being done daily since last 5 days.
  • Bihar has the least testing, only 512 tests per 10 lakh population, 8330 highest in Delhi.
  • According to the government, the recovery rate of corona infects across the country rose to 41.28%.

And with now travel restrictions eased in the country the numbers are more likely to rise. Health ministry has also claimed that this spread is likely to continue for a while.